From vegetable dicers to salad spinners, Dynamic is found in most commercial kitchens and is well-known by its iconic orange color. The engineers at Dynamic have continued the tradition of in-house manufacturing of all components, ensuring that each piece of equipment meets stringent quality guidelines. Known for being high quality and long-lasting, shop Dynamic dicers and salad spinners at Tundra Restaurant Supply.
Why You Need a Dynamic Salad Spinner
Did you know? Dynamic was the inventor of the commercial salad spinner! You'll find that Dynamic has the largest selection of salad spinners in the industry, ranging from 2.5 gallon to 5 gallon capacities; for reference, a 5 gallon salad spinner can effectively wash and dry up to 8 heads of lettuce! Using a salad spinner is one of the best ways to wash off stubborn grit that might be lurking between your leaves. Plus, effectively drying your greens after washing keeps them fresher, longer—which means lower food costs for you!
Reduce Food Costs with Dynamic's Dynacube
When it comes to food prep, the time savings you get by utilizing a vegetable dicer like the Dynacube is just the start. Uniform cuts means more consistent yields, no matter who is doing the prep that day' for example, that means you'll know exactly how much produce you'll need for your signature salsa. With better yields you not only get more from your produce, but you can also adjust purchasing as needed so you're buying just what you need and not too much.